Personal Information

  • OK Credit Union Member Number is required
  • OK Name (First, Middle Initial, Last) is required
  • OK Street Address is required
  • OK City is required
  • OK State is required
  • OK Zip Code is required
  • OK Cell Phone is required
  • OK Parents' Names (First & Last) is required
  • Do you follow Trax on social media? Please indicate which platforms:

    OK Do you follow Trax on social media? Please indicate which platforms: is required

Academic Information

  • OK High School is required
  • OK Graduation Date is required
  • OK Cumulative UN-WEIGHTED GPA is required
  • OK College you plan to attend (or currently attend) is required
  • OK Expected Graduation date is required
  • Optional OK Cumulative college GPA (if applicable) is required
  • Have you been accepted?

    Optional OK Have you been accepted? is required
  • OK Start Date is required
  • OK Proposed Major or Field of Study is required

Leadership, Honors and Awards

  • OK List all high school and college activities that include leadership roles, honor designations, school athletics and/or club affiliations. is required

Community Impact

  • OK List all community affiliations including community service and involvement. is required

Additional Materials Submission

  • Which Scholarship are you applying for?

    OK Which Scholarship are you applying for? is required

Please carefully read the instructions below regarding the video submission.

    Video Submission answering the following questions: “What does legacy mean to you? What is your legacy, and how will this scholarship help you create that legacy? How will Trax play a role in achieving your legacy?"

    Once complete please email your final document to [email protected]

    • Videos should be no longer than 60 seconds.
    • Record your video in a well-lit area to ensure visibility and clarity. Avoid filming in dimly lit or overly bright environments that could distort the image. Ensure clear audio by recording in a quiet environment free from background noise or interruptions.
    • Use a stable camera setup to prevent shaky footage. If using a smartphone or handheld device, consider using a tripod or stabilizer to maintain steady footage.
    • Choose a clean and uncluttered background to minimize distractions. A plain backdrop or neutral setting can help keep the focus on the applicant and their message.
    • Address the prompt provided in a thoughtful and concise manner.
    • Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your video submission.
    • Submit your video in a MP4 file.

Please carefully read the instructions below regarding the essay submission.

    An essay submission answering the following question: “Imagine you have been given the opportunity to design a financial literacy program for high school students in your community. Outline the key components of your program and explain how you envision it benefiting students and preparing them for financial independence. Explain how students would benefit from joining Trax to achieve their financial goals."

    Once complete please email your final document to [email protected]

    • Word Count: Your essay should be a minimum of 200 words in length.
    • Relevance to Topic: Make sure your essay directly addresses each section of the prompt.
    • Structure: Your essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
    • Clarity and Coherence: Write clearly and concisely, ensuring your essay flows logically.
    • Grammar and Spelling: Check for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
    • Originality: Your essay must be your original work. Do not plagiarize or use AI programs such as ChatGPT.
    • Personal Insight: Share your personal insights and bring your personality to life in your submission.
    • Formatting Required:
      • Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, Size 12
      • Double spacing
      • 1-inch margins
      • Left-aligned
      • Acceptable formats include .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Please carefully read the instructions below regarding the essay submission.

    An essay submission answering the following questions: “Part of our mission at Trax Credit Union is the philosophy of ‘People Helping People’. What does this statement mean to you? How will you utilize your trade to help people in the future? How will Trax play a role in helping you achieve your goals?”

    Once complete please email your final document to [email protected]

    • Word Count: Your essay should be a minimum of 200 words in length.
    • Relevance to Topic: Make sure your essay directly addresses each section of the prompt.
    • Structure: Your essay should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
    • Clarity and Coherence: Write clearly and concisely, ensuring your essay flows logically.
    • Grammar and Spelling: Check for proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
    • Originality: Your essay must be your original work. Do not plagiarize or use AI programs such as ChatGPT.
    • Personal Insight: Share your personal insights and bring your personality to life in your submission.
    • Formatting Required:
      • Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, Size 12
      • Double spacing
      • 1-inch margins
      • Left-aligned
      • Acceptable formats include .doc, .docx, or .pdf.

Electronic Signature

  • OK By typing my name below, I hereby certify that the information in this application is complete and is correct to the best of my knowledge. I also understand that Trax Federal Credit Union may require supporting documentation to validate the information provided. is required
  • OK is required
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